Hi there! I’m a Los Angeles-based journalist and podcast producer covering commerce and culture.

Feel free to contact me.

Selected Work

Sex toys, meet Sephora: How the sexual (marketing) revolution affects where we shop

Mashable, April 2022

A feature-length story about how sex toys came into the mass market much earlier than you might think, and how they ended up on the shelves of major retailers like Sephora and Nordstrom.

May Calamawy Talks Independence, Faith and Representation in “Ramy”

BUST, June 2020

A conversation with one of the stars from Hulu’s Ramy following the release of its second season.

Bury the Plan, Not The Park

Audio reporting class assignment, Oct. 2019

A three-minute news story about why New York City wanted to bury the East River Park and why the community pushed back.